Tuesday 17 July 2007

Addendum to the last

Yet more Countdown tie-ins announced today:
Flash 80 Page Giant - this is a collection of old Silver Age Flash stories promoted as a Countdown tie-in
Captain Carrot - words fail...

Incidentally, I will be buying at least the first issue of many (not all) of the new series DC have been announcing, so for the foreseeable future I'll be writing quite a lot about Countdown-The-Event even if I don't discuss Countdown-The Comic.

And one new solicitation which is actually exciting - JLA:The Ultramarine Corps TP. For those who don't know, this was essentially a prequel to Seven Soldiers, and really should have been included in the trades with that series. I have all the floppies (though not the JLA/WildCATS story they're bundling with it, so I might pick the trade up for that) but if you haven't, get it...


acespot said...

No, no, no! DO NOT buy the JLA/WildCATS TP. It's beyond AWFUL!

And the first few issues of JLA Classified weren't very good either. A summary will do you just fine. Or just go to your local Barnes and Noble or Borders and read it there. Please, don't spend your money on that CRAP too.

Andrew Hickey said...

The JLA/WildCATS thing is in the same trade as the JLA Classified one... are you thinking of the Morrison JLA/WildCATS? Very little of his JLA work has been poor...
I do have the three issues of JLA:C, and like them quite a lot, and so was thinking of getting the trade with both in, but if the WildCATS stuff is bad, I'll look through it in the shop before buying...

Unknown said...

JLA Classified #1-3 are excellent comics with really great art by Ed McGuinness. I'm not sure why anybody would think they "weren't very good".

Plus, not only is it a prequel to Seven Soldiers, but it is also a prequel to Morrison's Batman (Knight and Squire are introduced) and Morrison's Authority (Ultramarines go into the "real world" to redeem themselves). Which ain't nothing but a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Those JLAC issues do indeed rock the house. Doesn't batman use a boomtube to get to Pluto, where the JLA have all kindsa dangerous stuff stored? True awesomeness from Morrison.

PS: Countdown was a Letdown again this week. I read it two hours ago and can only recall a rather undercooked DPS of the Athenean Woman's House. Oh, yes, Monitor X allows Red Hood to call him "Bob" which is perhaps preferable to "Eddie-baby." Spot the reference pls, yes it is too easy...

Anonymous said...

You know what? I dropped Countdown this week finally and didn't understand any of my DC titles I bought any less. Spine of the DC? Scoliosis jokes welcome here.

TeamSmithy said...

I quite enjoyed JLA/WildCATS myself, mainly because Morrison was really pushing the crazy science with the villian of the piece.


It's been all down hill for JLA Classified since that opening arc by Morrison.

Andrew Hickey said...

Johnny - it has, but it was a gentle decline at first, with the Giffen/DeMatteis story having my favourite issue of 2005 (#7) and the Ellis story being pretty decent. I'm annoyed they didn't put the Hitman story in that title as originally planned...

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion issues #1-3 of JSA Classified were excellent, acting as a prequel to Seven Soldiers in such a refreshing way. I loved the refashioning of the League's encounters with Nebula Man being re-written as connected attacks against
"sevens" throughout time. Compare this with the Archons tactics in the "Invisibles" for fun and laffs.

The tight sixteen panel pages of the JSA in #2 are superb, suggesting a whole universe by withholding information. Think of Morrison riffing on Miller in his Dark Knight period. And the art throughout is so slick and POP. Has Jack O'Lantern ever looked cooler?

JSA Wildcats isn't quite in the same league, if you pardon the pun, but it's still a lot of fun, hitting the ground running (where did they get a time machine from? Who cares, let's GO!) and going from there. It may have a faint whif of contractual obligation with the WildCATS involvement, but there's some fun to be had, especially the Grifter/Batman scenes.